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Ten Directions has gone out to the Ten Directions

Self-publishing is a continual learning odyssey. Everytime that I clicked a button on one of these myriad self-publishing platforms, a new challenge would present with a further extension of the publishing date. The last hurdle, following the 'final' step on my part on Ingram Spark (my chosen Print On Demand distributer) was a message stating that it would take from 2 - 6 weeks for the paperback version to appear to appear on various online retailer shops. I had reached that message nearly a week after I announced a publish date of August 22nd to all my friends and family for my Facebook soft launch!

Now today, a mere 2 days after being told to wait for at least 2 weeks, I was pleasantly surprised last night to learn that the paperback version of Ten Directions is now available online in the US and UK. Amazing!

(Australian friends will still need to wait until Booktopia updates to avoid overseas shipping costs, or you can request an advance copy from your's truly at and avoid shipping costs altogether).

So, here are the links for the best prices:

In the US - Barnes and Noble

In the UK - Book Depository

For eBooks - Kindle

For eBooks - eReader

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