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The Importance of Invisible Worlds

The official friendly informal launch of Ten Directions is scheduled for 5pm September 30th, only two weeks away. Before I take the stage at Bodhi Tree Bookstore in Mt. Hawthorn before the assembled legions of my fans (provided it doesn't rain that day) it has occurred to me that they will be expecting for me to say something meaningful.

"Uh, thanks for coming. Enjoy the biscuits."


Although for many that might be preferable, after some contemplation I've decided to speak about 'The Importance of Invisible Worlds'. This is a theme that I revisit often in Ten Directions on many different levels: through dreams, visualisation, myth, allusion, visions, avatars, memories, masquerade, simulations, mandalas, songlines, hallucinations, and neurologically enhanced virtual realities.

I won't give too much away, but the gist of my talk will be that invisible worlds can be more important than the apparent world, because it is from invisible worlds that the potential for transformation arises.

I'll expand on that in greater detail at the launch, and will endeavour to capture the launch on video so that those of you who cannot make it (the difficulty of crossing oceans and continents being an acceptable apology) will be able to watch.

Looking forwards to catching up on the day. Writing a book is the greatest excuse ever devised for reconnecting with all the significant people whom I am grateful to have in my life.

See you there.


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